Components and Elements of Email Signature

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Always update Signature Email with the latest information
Of course, before including an email signature, there are several components and elements that must be completed that can be tailored to the needs and objectives of the signature being addressed.

Here's everything you need to complete to increase the credibility of your business:

Self or Company Identity

If you are sending a personal email, include your full name and any titles you hold. However, if you represent a company, include your full name, title, and position at the company along with the company name.

This is done so that the person or company sent the email can know who is talking to him.


If you're a personal email sender, it's a good idea to keep your address short. No need to include a specific residential address, just the name of the district and province.

However, if you represent a company, include the company's specific address, city and province name.

Contactable Active Telephone Number

Both personal email users and corporate email users should include an active phone number that can be contacted, so that email readers can easily contact you if they need you at any time.

In addition, of course you also have to be ready to be on the phone at any time if you really want to include a phone number in your email signature.

Add Website Address

As a personal email user, you should not include the website address, especially if the website does not contain things that discuss your history, or your biodata.

Well, if the email belongs to a company, include the company's official website. So that at any time they need important data or just want to see the company profile, they can go through the website that has been listed in the email signature.

Add Photo or Company Logo

For those of you who use email personally, you can add a photo of yourself in the email signature. But you should add photos with formal poses and not selfies or wefies to make it look more professional.

For corporate email signatures, add a company logo to make the signature look more professional and convincing.

Make it short, concise and clear

Often, both personal and corporate email users make email signatures that are too long and numerous. Instead, add a short, concise, and clear signature. Just add info about your name, address, phone number, website address, and include a photo or logo only.

No need to include more than one facebook, twitter, instagram, phone number or email address, and so on.

Make sure the information in the signature remains relevant

You have entered various important information such as address, and phone number. After setting the contents of the email signature. Instead, make sure the information listed in the signature remains relevant. For example, if you change your phone number or change your domicile, the information listed in your email signature should also be changed immediately.

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