How to check WA is bugged, it's easy to do, here's the trick

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To find out if our wa is wiretapped, or how to check WA is bugged, it's actually quite easy for us to do. WhatsApp has now become one of the most popular applications of choice by most people. Good for receiving, sending messages to making video calls.

Even though security is guaranteed, it is important for us to remain aware of the possibility of tapping your WA account. Because until now there are still parties who are not responsible for doing this.

Knowing how to check WA is bugged.

Here's how to find out if your WhatsApp has been tapped by someone else, including:

Can not login

In general, one number can only be used for one WhatsApp. Then, known as single-device login.

Therefore, if you suddenly log out or exit the WhatsApp application without you knowing it, it is possible that someone else is using your number to enter the WhatsApp application.

Meanwhile, to be able to enter on a device, WhatsApp will usually ask for a one time password or OTP code. This OTP code will go directly to the phone number concerned.
So do not give the OTP code to anyone. This can also happen if your number has been duplicated. Thus the hacker can open the incoming message containing the OTP.

The Message Has Been Read, Even If You Didn't Open The Message

The way to find out which WhatsApp application has been tapped by another party is that there is an incoming and read message, while you do not open it or have not opened the message.

As we already know, the sign of WA messages that have been read is the two ticks that turn blue. This will happen if you have previously activated the feature.

However, if you don't activate the blue tick feature, you can also be aware of messages that have been read by seeing if the number notification in each chat will disappear.

Check WA that was tapped via WA Web

Another way to check WA is bugged is through the WA web. You can make "settings" or the three-dot menu located at the top right of WA. Furthermore, if you are logged in on a device that is quite foreign to you, with a location that you do not recognize, then it could be that your WA is being tapped by someone else. To overcome this, immediately logout of WA from all existing devices.

That's an easy way to find out whether our wa is bugged by other people or not. Hopefully useful.. Beware!!..

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