What Are Backlinks, Why Are Backlinks Important for Websites?

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One of the most important aspects of a website is backlinks. Backlinks have an important role in the website because with backlinks the website can be in the top position of search engines such as Google and other search engines. And apparently this backlink can also be checked with the Backlink Checker Tool.

But the question is, does Emaknews Friends know what a backlink is? And why should backlinks be on every website? And other questions also arise such as whether we have to check backlinks every time or what?

In learning and understanding about SEO, backlinks are one of the important components in increasing search engine rankings in SEO, even backlinks are indeed not easy. Because there are rules for search engines like Google that limit every website movement that is judged by the search engine to be detrimental to other websites.

One of them is the rapid updating of Google's algorithm, thus making the plot to lower site rankings by the number of backlinks taken from irrelevant spam.

In order to get to know more about backlinks and also various tools to check quality backlinks, this article will specifically summarize what backlinks are, why backlinks are important, why backlinks should be checked and what tools can be used to check backlinks.

Curious as to what the discussion is? Just read together the discussion below.

What are Backlinks?

Backlink is a link that is directed to the website (Source: Pixabay)

Backlink can be called is a link that is directed to our website. Backlinks are usually used as references to make it easier for users or just for optimization so that our website becomes more popular in the eyes of search engines like Google.

In terms of the type of backlinks themselves are divided into two types, namely dofollow backlinks and nofollow backlinks. Both of these are types of backlinks that are not physically different.

However, dofollow backlinks will be preferred because they have a higher value in the eyes of search engines like Google. Meanwhile, for the type of nofollow backlink, which is relatively less desirable because it does not provide the maximum effect for a website.

However, now the need for backlinks is growing very rapidly as SEO-based campaigns begin to bloom as one of the digital marketing strategies, so that they can attract potential buyers easily.

Then, how important are backlinks for a website?

Why Are Backlinks Important for Websites?

In the paragraph above, the benefits of backlinks for a website have been explained a little, but the discussion has not been detailed. Here will be explained the discussion in more detail.

Backlinks are very important so that websites are easily recognized by search engines and easily found by search engine users. Because according to users, backlinks make it easier for them to find related information and find information on the same topic.

For example, for example, if a customer visits a page about “The best domain hosting in Indonesia”, the user may find a link to the best domain hosting provider.

Now. These links or backlinks will direct users or website visitors who have the backlink to visit other sources of information that are there. As for the search engine backlinks can help in determining the value of a page.

Historically, the number of backlinks is also an indicator of the popularity of a website. Because, the way backlinks are evaluated is by various factors, one of which is related rankings and also about the quality of the backlinks provided.

Therefore it is very important to check the quality of the backlinks provided.

Why Backlinks Must Be Checked?

In the internet world that relies on SEO techniques, all these ranges and risks are also lurking on your website. In most cases, competitors will usually do various ways to give a negative response from Google to your website. So, the competitor's website will get the best value on Google.

Of course that doesn't want to happen, right? So so that this doesn't happen, then you have to check the backlinks that come into your website, before Google takes action if there are negative backlinks that point to your website.

Remember! Not all backlinks have a positive purpose. There are types of backlinks that aim to get your website penalized. So, to check backlinks is very important if your website wants to be successful on the internet.

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