The Important Role of Domain Names and Its Relationship with Business Brands

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For those of you who have a business, especially in the digital business field, so you need a professional website to support business operations, then you really need a domain name.

A business domain name can serve as a representation of a brand so that potential customers will more easily recognize it. The domain name will have a significant impact on the overall success of your brand in the future.

In addition, a business domain name also plays an important role for a brand in increasing the trust of potential customers to the business you are running. In addition, domain names also play a role in increasing website rankings on Google SERPs and making it easier for your business to move and grow.

Because the domain name has such an important role, then you should not choose a domain name carelessly. The choice of a domain name and type must be carefully considered.

Division of Domain Structure into Three Levels

The domain structure itself is divided into three levels, namely Top Level Domain, Second Level Domain, and Third Level Domain.

The following is an example of a good domain name that supports business existence. An example of such a domain name is They use the domain name “kaskus” for business branding and make it easier for visitors to recognize and remember the website name.

Kaskus itself is an acronym for “Kasak-Kusuk” which clearly describes the activities on their website forum, which mostly discuss and talk about whispers of rumors or hot topics.

If the domain name that you use is "Kasak-kusuk", it may appear less attractive to visitors because it is considered too long and difficult to remember. However, by shortening it to “Kaskus”, the domain name seems more unique, simple, authentic and easy to remember.


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