With this Messenger feature, you can tag everyone directly in the group

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One of the factors that makes it lazy to give group assignments by lecturers or teachers is the members who rarely respond in the group, is that right? Moreover, if there is a discussion of tasks, the group immediately becomes quiet.

Messenger seems to understand what it's like to be ignored in a group. Its parent company, Meta, has added a feature in the Messenger app that can be used to address the above issues. The feature is @everyone.

Starting Tuesday (29/3/2022), by typing @everyone in a chat on Messenger, all group members will be reminded of your message.

So, this method can reduce the possibility that other group members will be very stupid about the messages you send. However, you can still tag one of the group members.

Messenger has also added a silent function. This feature will ensure that the message you send goes to the recipient's smartphone without notification.

This silent feature can be used if you feel that the message you sent is not too urgent. Just type /silent before your message and the contents of your message are instantly in silent mode. The @everyone and /silent features are already active and can be used on Android and iOS.

Meta has more messenger related plans in the works. Over the coming weeks, Android and iOS Messenger users in the US will be able to use the /pay shortcut to send and receive money in chat.

Additionally, iOS users will get a /gif, which can insert gifs and can be searched directly into chats.

Messenger on Apple devices will also receive the /shrug and /tableflip commands, which can display the \_(ツ)_/¯ and (╯°Ã¢–¡°Ã¯¼‰Ã¢•¯Ã¯¸Âµ emoticons, respectively. (*)

Photo: Meta

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